
Visiting the "Greats"

My daddy and Grandpa and Grandma Findley took me to Indiana to meet my "greats"
Great Grandma Findley let me sit in her lap.

Great Grandpa Byrer let me steer his restored Ford tractor.

Grandpa Findley held me tightly during the pontoon boat ride.

Grandma Findley showed me the many sights on Huffman Lake when we went on the boat ride.

I don't know what is more fun - standing by myself or riding in Great Grandpa Byrer's pontoon boat
And Great Grandpa Byrer let me steer the pontoon boat too!

Grandpa Findley takes me for a ride after the pontoon boat ride.

Four generations - That's "great", isn't it Great Grandpa Byrer?


Charlotte's First Steps

She's been threatening to walk for awhile now-- throwing herself at objects and making it one or two steps before falling face first. But yesterday she actually repeatedly was able to go up to five steps in a row. Kinda nice that she did it on what would have been her Great Grandma Mela's birthday.
For some reason the embedding isn't working so here are links to see her walking:


That guy is back....

Charlotte's digging the extra Grandpa attention since my dad got into town on Friday afternoon. He's been trying to teach her to say "Grandpa". I'm still betting on "Cat" for the first word.

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Today at the garden

The weather was just about perfect this afternoon-- so we headed to the garden with Grandpa.

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I'm cute, and I know it...

Can you guess what happened next?

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Shaggy or Cousin It?

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Here are some new videos...

A couple of random shots

That's just ice water, we swear. Charlotte doesn't care for gin and tonics anyhow....
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Charlotte no longer *hates* green veggies--yay! Today she had spinach for lunch.

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All Clean! Squeak, squeak!

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Not the best pictures ever, we didn't want to get to close and risk waking her. But this sort of demonstrates her favorite sleeping position. Usually she gets her rear a little higher than this.

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Playdate with Ryan

Saturday we met Ryan and her mom Carla at the gardens. Both girls did great and played around eachother for about two hours. Lots of grass was eaten by all (well, everyone under one year old).

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