Charlotte's now officially a big sister, so we'll be needing suggestions for a name change for the blog.
Oliver Dale Findley was born at 6:56 pm on Friday, September 10. He was 8 lbs and 20 in. His head was 14 in. And as everyone was interested to know... there's some hair, but there's less of it and it's lighter and more like peach fuzz then his sister's.

More details for those interested: I was 40 weeks 2 days, so over due and at 38 weeks I had had an ultra sound which estimated that
Oli was already 8 lbs 2 oz at that point-- glad that was wrong! I went in Thursday night for the induction at 9 pm after being scheduled for 7 pm. The hospital was extremely busy and we were lucky to get a room. I was checked in by 10:30 and given
I started having contractions by about 3-4 am. By 7 am I was 3 cm and we started
pitocin and the doctor, Dr. Barrett, broke my water. Soon after the
pitocin was started I got my epidural, which I still love. I was fortunate to only have contractions that were really
manageable. Nothing horrible at all.
Oli decided to take his sweet time. I was checked next at about 10:30 am and I was 4 cm. Again at around 3 pm, still 4 cm. The next check wasn't until about 5 and I was finally 8 cm at that point. The nurse kept saying that we wouldn't start pushing until I was "ready to beg" because she wanted to make sure we were really, really ready.
At about 6:30, I told the nurse that I wasn't really "ready to beg" yet but I thought we'd start pushing soon. First push and the nurse thought maybe it wasn't time yet. Second push and the nurse said to stop! It was time to call for the doctor. Not pushing was tricky, but Dr. Barrett arrived just in time. Two more pushes and
Oli was out.
His cord had a true knot in it and was wrapped around his neck as well. Doctor said it was good that he came fast at the end. His
apgar score was 8/9. So far he's a champion
pooper and is sleeping great. Mommy is tired and happy. Charlotte's getting used to the whole idea. And Daddy is reading over my shoulder...
More pics to come soon. Thanks everyone for the well wishes and especially to Grandpa John for watching Ms. C and Grandma and Grandpa Findley for visiting today.