
Visit to G and G Findley June 2011

Looks good enought to eat
- and Ollie did!

OK - this ball is safer to play with.

Time to read!
Look at the stack of books Charlotte got out.

Charlotte modeling her new necklace that she designed herself.

Grandma and Grandpa have this neat water table
- with running water

Ready for church

Grandma said I could wade in the puddles - she waded also!

It is fun to wade in puddles!

With Grandpa at Anne Marie Gardens
"Oysterman Fountain"

On top a large platform in the forest at Anne Marie Gardens

Climbing and posing

A fairy castle at Anne Marie Gardens
One of dozens made by local artists

Another fairy castle - Charlotte wanted a close look

Must touch these magic pebbles


Sewing project

Not bad for my first project since 6th grade. I'm counting on it looking cuter on Charlotte.

Thanks to my dad for being patient and showing me the basics. And thanks to Carri for loaning me her machine.
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Oliver is 9 months old

He just started pulling himself up to standing this weekend.

He loves jammin' on the keyboard.

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Sunday at the Animal Park

We went to the Animal Park this morning.

Charlotte is a daredevil...

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Happy Birthday Grandpa!

Grandpa John's birthday was yesterday so we had him over for dinner and made him a cake today. Charlotte had the most important job-- testing out the frosting.

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